Last week I applied for a position within the Student & Residential Life Office at Alma, and unfortunately did not get the Assistant Hall Director position I wanted, but a slightly lower position, Senior Resident Assistant in Mitchell, that I also had applied for (but that’s another story in itself). This means, I will have to be back on campus 2 and a half weeks before the beginning of classes for training with the rest of the staff.
I don’t know how this justifies the not getting the AHD position, but now since I will be SRA in Mitchell, I do not have to be back on campus 3-4 weeks before classes begin, which means there is some time after my London & Wroxton conference to head down south to Spain.
Unforuntately, I think Granada will have to wait, and just revisit Segovia and possibly a day trip into Madrid. I wish I could make it down to Granada, but it would be too much traveling and rushing for only 3 or 4 days. I’m already looking at returning to home to the States the night before I have to be back on campus.
I wish it wasn’t so far away, and that money & time were endless concepts.