Despite our distance from the city, lack of constant electricity and news access, World Cup fever definitely hit Puerto Alegria this summer. Even though Peru was not represented in the 2010 games, I think I have had or heard a conversation about the event at least every day, especially on those days when I wear one of my World Cup t-shirts (thanks to Saga Falabella in Lima).
While we have not been able to see many of the games for the 2010 championship, we of course were able to watch the final match between Spain and Holland. The generator was turned on for the big event and everybody headed down to the maloca where we set the television on a table and lounged on the floor or hammocks.
After the new antenna was properly connected and we had somewhat of a clear picture, the entire group fell somewhat silent for the following 2 hours of the game, intently watching the every move of the ball, groaning when either team (especially Spain) missed a goal, and whispering about what would happen if the entire game passed without one goal from either team.
Happily for us, Iniesta scored a goal and victory went to Spain.
We watched for a few more minutes of programming after the game ended before the generator was turned off, and it was back to normal life in Puerto Alegria.