CAFO Summit & Puericultorio Training

We started October with a quick trip to the States to attend the Christian Alliance for Orphans annual summit in Atlanta. This was the third year that Billy and I have attended the CAFO Summit and this year proved to be as beneficial as previous years. It was 3 days of learning from organizations around the world who are doing similar work with teens and young adults aging out of residential care. We also were able to participate in a session for all organizations and individuals specifically working in Latin America which meant we finally were able to meet some people in-person that we have communicated with previously only over Zoom. This year’s theme was “Planted, Not Buried” and one of my biggest takeaways was a quote one of the workshop presenters gave, “Relationships are the soil we want our youth to be planted in.” The quote fit the conference theme but also particularly spoke to our desire for the young adults we are working with. Relationships are critical and we want them to develop profound roots within their community.

Billy met with the Trauma Free World staff – the organization that created the Trauma Competent Caregiver training he leads

After CAFO we headed to Charlotte, NC for meetings with the Paths of Hope board. It was a lovely weekend of fellowship and planning as we look forward to 2023 and beyond.

We ended our quick trip with a few days in Michigan to visit family and have a few days of Midwest fall. When you live somewhere that basically has 2 seasons and humid all the time (hot summer and cloudy winter), the dry crisp air, changing leaves, blue skies, pumpkin patches and cider mills are just missed.

It was just warm enough for Will to go for a ride on the tube with the cousins and great grandma!

Will went on his 50th flight while we were in the US and has mastered the art of moving 3 carry-on suitcases at once.

Upon our return to Lima, Billy started an in-person Trauma Competent Caregiver training with the Puericultorio Pérez Araníbar (PPA). As we have mentioned previously, the PPA is a children’s home that is operated and funded by the Municipality of Lima and there are approximately 250 children from birth through 18 years old at the home. As of this week he is halfway through the 10 week sessions and it has been a positive experience. The staff participating in the training have been coming prepared with questions and great contributions to the training material.

We made this short reel to share on Paths of Hope’s social media after the first session:

At school, Will’s class performed a play that they wrote together. It was about 20 minutes long with choreography and a story that included 4 languages. His class this year is quite multicultural with students from France, Spain, China (2) and Will “from” the US. Will was the wise tree and was on stage throughout the whole play!

Halloween is slowly becoming more of a celebrated holiday here but is still not as big as in the States – but somehow it has become Will’s favorite holiday. There are no pumpkin patches to visit but some grocery stores in Lima will stock a limited number for about 2 weeks at the beginning of October – or until the foreigners have bought them all for pumpkin recipes! We bought a few ourselves and invited friends over to carve pumpkins and roast the seeds. Knowing ahead of time that trick or treating also isn’t a thing here, we asked the neighbors within our small apartment building if they would be willing to pass out candy that we provided them. At 5 years old, Will is the youngest child in the building (next youngest is 16!) and they were happy to share a little Halloween magic with our little magician.

We are so grateful for each of you, for your prayers, encouragement, and financial gifts, and how you allow us to remain on the field and be healthy here as a family as we work to build the Kingdom alongside you!

While support raising to continue to stay on the field has its challenges, we have learned more and more what it looks like to live each day conscious that we depend on God. Over and over again, the act of support raising has brought us to reflect on Matthew 6:25-34, where we are reminded that if He provides even for the birds of the air and the lilies in the fields, then why need we be anxious—knowing that we are infinitely more valuable to him than they. Time and time again, the Lord has reminded us of his faithfulness and of his provision as we pursue his calling.

We would also be remiss if we didn’t include an opportunity for year-end giving. Your donations are truly what makes our work possible, and any amount is so appreciated. In the next few months we are needing to raise about $1500 in ongoing monthly support so that we can continue in this work with Paths of Hope. We invite you to consider partnering with us! We’d be so grateful if you would prayerfully consider giving a year-end gift or beginning a new monthly commitment.

You can give online with a one-time gift or recurring support, through United World Mission, here.

Also, in January and early February (Will’s summer vacation from school) we will be in the United States to visit with supporters and build relationships with new churches and individuals who may want to consider partnering with us. If you know of a church, a small group, or a person who you think would be interested in joining our team, please reach out to us. We would love to connect and talk more!

As always, we very much appreciate your prayers for us, our ministry and for the country and people of Peru.

– Kate, Billy & Will

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