Rejoice! Rejoice!
Rejoice in the birth of our Lord –
for unto us a child is born
to bring peace and love
to all mankind!
The glorious Christ child was born in a manger on this night. Let us think humbly on him as we rejoice this Christmas.
We are deeply grateful for your prayers and support throughout this past year.
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and blessings in 2021.
– Billy, Kate and Will
PS. If you missed it, please read our update letter from 2020 here!
A surprise visit from Miss Dani during the last week of school
Walking into his first day of school! (March 2020)
Last week was Will’s last day of 3 year old preschool!
It was bittersweet way back in March when we took him to his very first day of school. I wondered how it would go for him not knowing Spanish and his first time being away from family, and if he was really ready to start school (or, more like if I was ready!).
Little did I know that Will would only have 1 week of in-person classes before switching to Billy or me assisting with Zoom preschool at our kitchen table. While there were challenges with balancing school and work, I am thankful we were able to be a part of the start of Will’s academic career. It was fun to see him learning Spanish, and as the year went on, interacting with the other students and teachers.
Will also was fortunate to have wonderful teachers, specifically Miss Dani, his Spanish teacher. She truly made this year a joy and encouraged Will in their daily Zoom calls. I don’t think there has been a day since March that Miss Dani has not come up in conversation. She has set the bar high for future teachers.
So now it’s summer break, and next year we will have a pre-kindergartener!