Peru is in a state of emergency right now and we really need your prayers.
There are major landslides affecting many cities across the coast which are destroying homes and whole towns. Hundreds of families have already lost everything. With Lima being in the middle of a desert, the city is not prepared for these amounts of rain.
Our heart breaks as more images show the devastating effects of the flooding and mudslides currently happening here in Lima and along Peru’s northern coast.
This video was recorded yesterday in Punta Hermosa, about 15 miles from our apartment. If you watch the whole video, you’ll see a few cows caught in the water and a woman who emerges from the water and debris at about 2:35.
A landslide like this happened in at least 9 different places in Lima yesterday.
Water has been shut off again in Lima, which causes its own panic and chaos for the 9 million people here. This morning Billy went to 3 different grocery stores looking to buy bottled water and found empty shelves and long lines at the cash registers. Schools in Lima have are closed at least until Monday and there also has been talk of sporadic electrical cuts to the city as well.
Thankfully the landslides have not affected the neighborhood where we live, but we are without water until it is reinstated. Our building does have a reservoir tank so we do have a slow supply but between the 5 apartments in the building who knows how long it will last (Sedapal, the government water company has said that it will turn water back on for just a few hours each day which hopefully will be long enough to fill our reservoir).
Please be praying that the rains and flooding would stop and pray for the families across the country being affected by the landslides.
– Kate & Billy
Alyssa Nunez says:
Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 9:14 pm
Hola Kate & Billy,
I have been following your blog about the flooding in Lima and I am so sorry to hear about the tragic events unfolding there. I too have family that lives in Lima and is experiencing the same thing as you two. My prayers go out to you guys and every one in the surrounding area. Please keep us updated! Here in the U.S, news has not really touched on these events. Gracias.
Gail beetham says:
Friday, March 17, 2017 at 3:52 pm
Omg I am a Australian who loves Lima and my friends over there , it is devastating to read what is happening ! Brings tears to my eyes , to think of what everyone is going through , small children caught up in this tragic avents an there families losing there homes , an struggling with this weather . I pray for everyone in peru ! Beautiful people , my heart aches for everyone of you !! Stay safe peru !!
Laura says:
Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 9:31 am
Hi Kate and Billy,
Thanks for posting about what’s happening over there right now. I spent a few months in Lima last year and read your blog a few times while I was out there 🙂 My host family who I stayed with have been keeping me informed on the no water/no electricity situation in Lima (they live in Santiago de Surco) I also have friends in the areas of Rimac and La Victoria. I love them all so dearly but I know they are not giving me the full picture so that I don’t worry and stress for them! I would appreciate so much if you could continue your updates as there is very little coverage on the media here in the UK..
Thanks so much. Good luck! And best wishes. Laura
David says:
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 7:43 am
Thanks for your blog. I have family in San Martin. The are ok but water is low. Also my family in Chicayalo cannot call us. we hope they are ok. Where is the help for this area? The mainstream news has given out limited information. These people need help. Thousands are homeless with no place to go