New Adventure

Announcement English

We are excited to share that come February 2017 we will be embarking on a new adventure as parents. We are incredibly excited for what is to come!

So far Kate has been doing great. She really hasn’t had much of a problem with morning sickness, which is a huge praise as we have both been busy traveling with work teams these last few months. The due date is February 17th and right now, Kate is just a few days shy of being 14 weeks.

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Last week while we were in Cusco, we found some time to head to a lookout near the town of Pisac to take our announcement. Billy was quite proud that his picture in the end was selected to be the one we used.



We are so excited, and we appreciate all of your prayers as we prepare to have a baby here in Peru:

– Pray for a safe, healthy pregnancy for both Kate and the baby
– We are thankful to have a great doctor at a good clinic here in Lima
– Pray that the Lord would give us peace and wisdom as we begin a new season in our lives
– Pray that that Kate and I are able to find time for rest together as a couple before welcoming our new addition in February.

with love,
Kate & Billy and our new little adventurer

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