5 years.

Today marks five years of living and working in Peru.

60 months of doing life in Spanish.

1825 days of being a part of the Girasoles abandoned children ministry.

Processed with Rookie Cam


I woke up this morning at our Girasoles home Kusi where I am spending the next week with a group from Scotland. Over the years, I’ve spent numerous weeks at Kusi and I’ve had a privilege of being part of these boys lives for many years and watching many of them grow up and seeing them mature into young men. It is a privilege we do not take lightly. Each time we visit any of the Girasoles homes, it is like going to see family.

Processed with Rookie Cam

Processed with Rookie Cam

Processed with Rookie Cam


In these five years, I’ve traveled 89,116 miles (that’s 1069 hours or 44.54 days of travel) to spend time at Scripture Union’s homes for abandoned boys. I have had the opportunity to meet many people from around Peru and all over the United States that come as short-term volunteers.

Processed with Rookie Cam

Processed with Rookie Cam

Both Billy and I are so thankful for the opportunity that you have given us to be part of this ministry here in Peru. Thank you for your generous support through prayer and finances. We would not be able to continue working here without your help.

We can’t wait to see what the next few years bring to this ministry and the lives of the children we work with. The best is yet to come.

– Kate

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